What men fear at the beginning of a relationship

I’m sure most women have noticed how difficult it is to get men to commit to long-term relationships. There are several things that men fear most at the beginning of a relationship. Most of these will go away with time, but it’s good to be aware of what might be holding your boyfriend back.

1. Loss of freedom

Boys like to feel like they can spread their wings and fly away at any moment. The deeper we get into a relationship, the more we fear losing this freedom. Less alone time, less time with friends, and more commitment to “note” everything we do. It’s not that we don’t like our relationships and all they bring to our lives, but giving up our autonomy is frightening.

2. Change

Once we get used to something, we don’t want to change. This is why we can sometimes resist new relationships. We don’t want to change our routine or even some of the parts of our house that have to turn into his bachelor den. We’re also addicted to habit, so starting a new path can be a little scary. The good news is that once we adapt, we can adjust well to a serious relationship. But then, when we do, we start to fear that the relationship will end, creating new changes. It’s a vicious and somewhat pointless circle.

3. Infidelity

Yes, some guys cheat while in a serious relationship, but surprisingly, many guys are afraid to end up on the other side. If a guy goes all-in on a relationship, he expects you to do the same. Sometimes we worry that it isn’t. If he cheated or was cheated on in a past relationship, he will always fear that it will happen again in any future relationship.

4. Inevitable decline

Obviously, the beginning of a relationship is hot, passionate, and awesome, but many guys fear that they won’t be able to keep it going for long. When we enter a relationship, there is hope that it will last forever, but deep down we fear that we won’t be able to make it last.

5. Choosing the wrong person

When a guy takes the plunge in a serious relationship, he rarely has an exit plan. He usually assumes that he has found “The One” and that it will last forever. However, if any signs of trouble appear, he will begin to fear that he chose the wrong person. This should pass with time, but if the relationship ever has difficulties, this fear will increase.

6. Financial problems

For guys, money problems usually go hand in hand with serious relationships. He begins to think about global things such as children and family, which can be frightening. There’s also a little pressure to treat your girlfriend to the finer things in life, which can put a strain on a person’s budget. Yes, some guys are really stingy, but even if your guy seems a little stingy, he may just be worried about how the relationship will affect his long-term financial situation.

7. Meeting other important people in your life

We all know that getting into a relationship means meeting the other person’s parents and friends. It’s a whole new circle of people who have to like you. This can be scary and a little overwhelming for most men. Some of us are surprised that we found even one person who likes us. For guys, the general fear is that one person, like one of your friends or parents, won’t like us, and that will be enough to make the relationship fall apart.

8. Objection

Probably, this is the biggest fear of men in life. Keep in mind that we are usually responsible for asking a girl out and eventually asking her to marry us. The fear that she might say “no” is always in the back of our minds. Even when things are going well, we worry that one day she’ll wake up and one thing won’t be enough. Whether at the beginning or in the middle of a relationship, most guys are constantly afraid of being rejected.